Freedom AM-3242 Audi/VW TDC Crankshaft Locking Pin Alt
This tool has been superseded to T40237
Holds crankshaft at TDC (top dead center) when removing and installing toothed timing belt and flywheel/drive 05. Models - VW - AHA ¸ ATQ ¸ BCY & BDP ¸ AUDI - AAH ¸ AFC ¸ AHA ¸ AKB ¸ ART ¸ ATQ ¸ AUX ¸ AVK ¸ AWN ¸ AYS ¸ BBD ¸ BCY ¸ BEL ¸ BFM ¸ BHF ¸ BNK & BSB
This is a high-quality aftermarket product.