T10133 T10055 Fuel Injector Puller Remover Installer Tool Set Alt
Includes High-Quality Aftermarket Alternatives of:
T10055- Unit injector puller
T10163- Unit injector puller
T10133- Injector/Combustion chamber seal tool kit
Used to remove and install the fuel injectors 06H906036P and 06D906036B on the direct injected gasoline engines. Also removes the fuel injectors direct injected diesel engines.
Applications Include:
- 2006 - 2015 VW and Audi 2.0L known as the TFSI (Turbo Fuel Stratified Injection) and FSI (Fuel Stratified Injection) Direct injected engines
- In Europe 2004 -2006 VW¸ Audi¸ Alfa and Ford 2.0L¸ 1.8L GDI (Gasoline Direct Injection) engines with Bosch Injector Series # 0261500